Update History Page
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Site History
I created this page because I wanted to keep all of my old updates but I also wanted to shrink the main page. So I moved them here, my Update History Page, where you can see the evolution and history of Topical Brainstorm, from its humble beginnings as Dr Evil Corp. to its new persona, through its updates!

Who did what what with the what now?

-11/15/01 Site launches/created.
-11/16/01 Editing, to make it actually have a point.
-11/17/01 Added more to the photos page and changed some wording elseware.
-11/20/01 Add small backgrounds to photo page and fix more text.
-11/29/01 Added new background to picture page and added favorites to about page.
-12/15/01 Updated xmas background, added gamecube amp preview to photo page.
-01/01/02 Happy New Year! Added some more favorites.
-02/07/02 Fixed up and added to about page. Also added more links to links page.
-02/20/02 What a suprize more favorites added to favorites, that is the fastest growing list on this site.
-02/28/02 Created Dr Evil Corp. logo! Also added Micro Pics to photo page.
-03/01/02 Added to micro pics. Also added to favorites.
-03/13/02 Guest book page wont work, removed, added search engine but cant be found through it, and fixed some titles.
-03/19/02 Added temporary icons to custom pictures page, and added some to favorites page.
-04/01/02 My site is number one on the net! April fools, hahahahaha...... Oh I am a living joke here. Anyway I did add some joke box art to the pictures page and added more to favorites enjoy my imaginary visitors.
-04/02/02 Gif's galore, I can finally make high quality Gif images, which will make this site have smaller size pictures.
-04/03/02 I added some more icons to the picture page. That page is filling up fast so, in the future you might see specialty picture pages, ones devoted to icons or backgrounds.
-04/13/02 Box art continues to pop up on the custom pictures page, today I added two for games that dont exist, but that I wish would, check them out.
-04/16/02 Whats that you say? More box art on the picture page, all right whatever you say.
-04/17/02 Ye gods man, more box art, are you mad?
-04/25/02 Brand new label system for the custom pictures page, new box art up, and soon there will probably be specific picture pages because there are only 2 free spaces left in custom pictures!
-04/29/02 Man I hate making images transparent. I have to use 4 different programs just to make one little icon, dear god! Well either way I did it and the icons are now transparent. Also I added a new box art to custom pictures. The day gets closer and closer to when the box art page is created.... And that day is today. I overhauled the custom pictures page so that now box art and icons have their own pages.
-04/30/02 Wishful thinking page has replaced the box art page. Its still basically the box art page only now it includes game description, check it out.
-05/01/02 Added new link to links page, and added information for DDLX to wishful thinking page.
-05/11/02 Crap, where did my updates go?! This stinks, this is total BS this is, oh wait they are now on the update history page, check it out to see the evolution of Dr Evil Corp. I also added more to favorites, and a new box art to wishful thinking and the update history page.

-05/16/02 Added Perfect Dark Zero information to Wishful Thinking page, and added some more favorites.
-05/20/02 Yeah thats right, I put a new background on the custom pictures page, and added to the information and links page, what are you going to do about it?
-05/24/02 Added new background to custom pictures, and corrected a spelling mistake.
-05/25/02 Fixed and added text on main, information, and icon pages. Plus changed picture on information page.
-05/31/02 Man I made a lot of spelling mistakes on this site, I am still correcting them today. And I also added SA3 box art to Wishful Thinking. Enjoy.
-06/04/02 Made corrections to information page and added more to favorites.
-06/08/02 Made button art for a friend, and added favorite songs to favorites list.
-06/14/02 Added to favorite movies. Also added teaser info to wishful thinking page.
-06/22/02 Added more to favorites.
-06/26/02 Added box art to wishful thinking, and changed order. Also added Fierce Deity information, and corrected some spelling.
-06/30/02 Fixed some email links on main page and removed IGN mail address, it hasn't existed for a while. Added song to favorites, and added new link to the links page.

-07/06/02 Added to favorites.
-07/17/02 Added more to favorites, those lists are getting too long.
-08/07/02 More to favorites, got to love those Harry Potter books. Added information for SA3 on Wishful Thinking page.
-08/09/02 Added Sonic Mega Collection box art to custom pictures page.
-08/10/02 Fixed Sonic Mega Collection box art. Freeservers, could you please make it easier to delete a file! It always finds it as long as the name is the same, where is it keeping the information???
-09/01/02 Added Rareware background to custom pictures, and added one to favorites.
-11/07/02 Woh, sorry for no updates for so long, my old computer got fried in a power surge. Anyway I updated favorite games, because I have been playing some sweet games in my computers absence.
-11/19/02 On the 15th of november Dr Evil Corp. turned one year old. I would have updated on that day, but I forgot. Anyway, I tranfered my updates to the update history page, and updated the Dr Evil Corp. box art on that page.
-11/22/02 First box art since the computer frying, a great day indeed. Added Star Fox Armada to custom pictures.
-11/24/02 Added to favorites on information page.
-12/08/02 Created second icon page and added first animated gif. Also re-organized pages.
-12/12/02 Added Dr Evil Corp. Christmas Tree.
-01/04/03 Happy New Year! 2002 was a great year, and will be hard to beat, but lets cross our fingers. Took down decorations.
-01/07/03 Added box art to wishful thinking and added to favorites. The first Dr Evil Corp exclusive wishful thinking game is on its way!
-01/16/03 Added new icons to Icons 2 page.
-01/23/03 Added Zelda Master Quest box art to custom pictures page.
-02/06/03 Added Zelda Mural to custom pictures page, and fixed text on custom and home page. Added note to W.T. page. It is official, I now have competition in the whole, non-existant games feature. And by none other than my favorite site, IGN. Sure there "Dream Games" may be bigger budget, but Wishful Thinking will always be the first and the history is right here at Dr Evil Corp.
-03/07/03 Added SADX box art to custom pictures.
-03/23/03 Added Link and Rare background to custom pictures.
-03/24/03 Updated link and rare backgrounds.
-04/01/03 Oh my god, IGN emailed me telling me they will pay me to bring my Wishful Thinking feature to their web site... Yeah yeah, it is another april fools joke, same as last year (at my expense). Either way I removed the Baldur's Gate box art from Wishful Thinking because the actual sequal was announced before I added the information.
-04/12/03 Hooray the actual first Dr Evil Corp. exclusive Wishful thinking feature is here. Say hello to Super Smash Bros. GameCube Edition. I also updated the information page.
-04/17/03 Updated and edited favorites on information page.
-04/18/03 Fixed spelling on information page of an author.
-04/19/03 Added Link Evolution 2 background to custom pictures, which has no spaces left, yikes!
-04/22/03 Added to favorites.
-05/02/03 Added to favorites, possible short story section coming soon.
-05/09/03 Boo Yaw! Short story section is up and running, check it out! I also updated the links page to have an Adobe Acrobat Reader link, I also added to favorites and some text on the Wishful Thinking page.
-05/12/03 Added text to short stories page.
-06/02/03 Added Eternities Redemption teaser to Short Stories page.
-06/05/03 Added Sonic Heroes box art to custom pictures.
-06/28/03 Added to favorites.
-07/01/03 Added Soul Calibur background to custom pictures.
-07/05/03 Today is a day that will live in infamy. Dr Evil Corp. is no more. Say hello to Topical Brainstorm!
-07/06/03 Erased more traces of Dr Evil Corp. and modified pictures to match the new site colors.
-07/14/03 Added Eternities Redemption to Short Stories page.
-07/17/03 A sad day indeed. The short stories page is no more. I would have liked to keep it, but I can't risk someone stealing my ideas. Hopefully one day you can read them as novels. Removed all traces of Short Stories page.
-07/31/03 Added to favorites.
-08/13/03 Added to and organized Custom Pictures page.
-08/15/03 Added to favorite songs.
-08/23/03 Fixed text on links page.
-09/26/03 Created Custom Pictures 2 and added Oni Link 2003.