Wishful Thinking Feature
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This is a feature entirely made by me that will showcase games that I would like to see in the future. These games can range from future games, to ones that may never exist, they are simply games that I would like to see. For each I will provide a mock up box art for the game, and what I would like to see in it.
Note: Many of these games I came up with quite some time ago, so some might have become reality, or something similar to it. For example The Legend of Zelda: Restoration 64, is actually The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time Master Quest. So when reading bear in mind, these ideas came before any announcement of any official games.

On another note, you may notice that many of my older box arts aren't as good as the newer ones, or you think all of them suck. Either way I purposly don't update the older ones as I get better because not only are they history to the feature, but they are a history of my skill progression and I like to keep that to; first see if I have improved, and second to not make any mistakes twice.

Jet Force Gemini: Critical Aftermath
Warning: Contains spoilers to the story of the original jet force gemini.

This game would be the sequel to the original Jet Force Gemini for the N64. It would see the return of characters Juno, Vela, and Lupus as well as the return of Floyd, who was presumed dead at the end of the first game. The game would start one year after the finish of the last game.

One year after Mizars failed attack on earth, the human race believed that the infestation was completely eliminated. As well the Tribals of Goldwood too felt that the threat was gone, but what both races didn't know was that the creation that was Mizar was only a prototype and that a second more powerful model was being created, but not by Barry, the one who had created the original Mizar. The Jet Force team learns of testing going on on the planet Tawfret, and they decide to investigate. Upon arrival they find a secret base where the ultamate Mizar is being constructed, but the base is alerted to their presense and an alarm is sounded. The security system is set off and lazers shoot up all over the base and doors seal off restricted areas. Troops are sent to intercept the intruders while the incomplete Mizar is blasted into space with a single passenger inside.

-First Level-
The first level would start you off in the secret base. You were trapped in when the lazers went off and the security doors locked shut. Your objective is to find a different way out and avoid as many casualties as possible, because this time the troops after you are human.

As the game progesses you will find out who is behind the creation of the ultamate Mizar, and be forced to track him down before Mizar is completed or else it could spell certain doom for Earth, Goldwood, and the whole universe.

This game would feature all the weapons in the original plus some brand new ones like the stun gun, that shoots a pulse that renders the target unconcious, this is used to stop human troops without harming them, but don't worry there would be many new and deadly creatures that are just waiting to be blown to bits. One other weapon is the Plasma Cannon, which is the best weapon in the game having a capacity greater than the Tri-rocket Launcher.

-Special/New Features-
Some new features in this game would be an expanded multiplayer system, which gives more depth, levels, and modes for the already great system. Also Cooperative mode will return, two players can go through the main game together, as either one of the team members and floyd, or both as members of the jet force team. There would also be new gameplay added that is similar to star fox, certain levels will require you to fly through space, either chasing an object, or avoiding one.
The Legend of Zelda: Restoration 64 -A Compilation-
This is the game that has been rumored to exist from many people. It would be the first compilation of zelda games, which would include Ocarina of Time, Majora's Mask, and the much talked about Ura Zelda.

The story is the same as the originals. Ocarina of Time delt with the king of evil, ganondorf, trying to take over Hyrule by taking the triforce. He only manages to steal the triforce of power and our hero is sealed in the sacred realm for 7 years so he can better defend the land of Hyrule, but when he awakes he finds a totally different world.

The story for Majora's Mask, is that while searching for a long lost friend, our hero finds himself stuck in a world where the moon is crashing into the planet. If Link doesn't do something fast the world will end in three days. The moon is drivin by a mysterious child waring a strange mask, and its up to link to solve this mystery.

Not much is known about Ura Zelda, but what we do know is that it is an expansion to ocarina of time, so the story most likely is the same but expanded. I learned that Ura actually means Another.

-First Level-
Well in zelda games there really isn't a first level, but there is a first dungon. In ocarina of time it was the Deku Tree, in majoras mask it was the Woodfall Temple, and we dont know what it is in Ura zelda, but it would most likely come after the spirit temple. I doubt it would be another temple with a sage medallion though because that would throw off the story, so my guess is it would be a side dungon that wasn't important but its fun to do and you get a new and useful weapon, that will most likely lead to another new dungon. Possible areas for this dungon are; Hyrule Castle, new swamp area, or even sky.

With the inclusion of Ura Zelda we would see a slew of new tools and weapons. Perhaps we would see a new sword, not to outshadow the master sword but one that would be fun to use. We could see new items, or ones from 2D games that never got to become 3D like the lantern or the pegasus shoes.

-Special/New Features-
The enhancements to these games would be graphics, except for Ura zelda because the system it was planned for had some good graphic capabilities. Also they would have an improved framerate, even though it didnt really plauge the originals. And of course the inclusion of Ura Zelda which is basically an extension of ocarina of time.
Armorines: Project H.E.L.L.S.T.O.R.M.
This is a prequel to Armorines Project S.W.A.R.M. Since it is a prequel it sees the return of the two characters featured in the last game. This game takes place 2 years before the events in project s.w.a.r.m. and sees the beggining of the armorines.

The story begins with creation of the newest branch of the military. A new division called the Armorines, a special unit designed to combat enemies that the other branches cant even comprehend. They use several new forms of technology, which includes a special suit that protects from some of the worst conditions.

Two new privates have just been promoted to become a part of Armorines. Private Tony Lewis and Private Myra Lane. Both have no idea what this division is about, and therefore no idea what to expect. It wasn't long before they were sent out on their first mission. The confused troops were sent to Los Angeles California, to check out certain mishaps that happend at an office building. Neither of them believe that this mission is worthy of their time. They arrive at the building which is roughly 10 stories high. They go in search of the man who gave them the call about a bizzare demon creature living in the basement. Discusted and annoyed the armorines follow the employee to the basement to have a look.

Once in the basement the nervous man explains what he saw and where it came from, but the basement reveals no secrets and the two armorines feel that the promotion they got was not really a promotion. The man begins to sweat and runs up the stairs leaving them in the basement. They exchange some remarks and begin to leave themselves. As they are leaving Tony spots a small orange light seeping through a small crack on the ground. He walks over to get a closer looks and when he takes a step he hears a large tearing/cracking sound. The small crack was splitting, the crack grew and shot straight across the basement shooting out more orange light. Tony steped back as the ground began to crumble. Then the ground shattered where the crack had once been and a enormous winged creature bursted through, breaking all the shelves and storage boxes around it. Both armorines looked at it in amazement as it opened its wings, revieling its razor claws, exposed skull and ribs, and sharp teeth. Myra pulled a small pistol from her jacket and Tony also pulled a pistol, but his was a more advanced version that didn't require bullets but charges. The creature gave out a loud bellow that shook the whole building and then shot straight up through the ceiling. The hole that it exited began grow more as more creatures burst from it. The cracks started desintigrating the foundation and the building was going to collapse. They both ran for the stairs, and Tony fired several rounds behind him at one creature, but realized that they were unaffected. These creatures that looked like they were from the depths of hell were immune to the fire power they possesed. Tony and Myra escaped the building before it collapsed, but the creatures were still very much alive. The armorines immediately called the head quarters and told them of what happened. They were told that only one weapon in existence could destroy these beasts, and that they should return to the base immediately for further information and where they go next, in what they now called project H.E.L.L.S.T.O.R.M.

-First Level-
The first level is actually to escape the office building before it collapses. You are armed with only the pistol your character has. They came to the office building without their special armored suits so you are extremely vulnerable especially because the creatures chasing you are immune to your weapons.

Weapons play a big part in this game being as how only one weapon can destroy these creatures. That weapon is actually one featured in the last game, the Staff of the pharaoh. This weapon is the only thing with the fire power, and enough light energy to rip the demon creatures to shreds. Other returning weapons include the nail gun, the regular mines, and the laser rifle just to name a few. And it will also see new additions such as the flame thrower and the sword of light, which is one of the only close range weapons, and one of the only other weapons that can actually harm the creatures.

-Special/New Features-
The cooperative mode will be a big part of this one, because the game was intended for both characters to make it to the end. The multiplayer will also be revamped to provide more reason to comming back again and again, such as certain missions playable with up to 4 people.
Conker's 2nd Bad Fur Day
Warning: Contains spoilers to the story of the original conker's bad fur day.

This is the sequel to conker's bad fur day. It literally takes place the day after the first game, so poor conker is still suffering the concequences of his binge drinking.

Newly elected king of all the land, our hero Conker finds himself extremely unhappy, after bearly one night as being king. Attempting to fix the mistakes of the past, Conker tries to step down as king, but the people wont let him. They say he has done to much for them, they must have him as king. Conker continues to resist and the townsfolk become angry. They banish him to the dungons of the castle and promote Rodent to the status of king because of his military service.

Trapped in the dungon Conker begins to contemplate how he will spend the last few days he has to live. Suddenly a large crash shatters the silence. The entire west wall has been blown to pieces. Through the dust a figure emerges. It was the godfather weasel, the one who killed Berry! He walked over to conker and freed him from his chains. Voices could be heard from overhead, the townsfolk had heard the noise and were rushing to investigate. Conker could only think of one thing to do. He swung his trusty frying pan and knocked the weasel out cold. He then ran through the freshly made hole and bolted for safety.

He ran past the bee hive, past the mountain of poo, and past the haunted mansion. He left this land hoping never to return. Even after he was clear away from the place he had once called home, he continued to run his heart out, but was suddenly tripped by a runnaway stick and he hit the ground being knocked unconcious. A few hours later he awoke with the sun blazing overhead. He could see the landscape clearly now and he had again awoke in a strange and new place.

-First Level-
Like the first one there isn't so much a first level as their is chapters that you come across. When Conker awoke he found himself in a brand new land with different places to explore, that is where you first take control. As for the first chapter, it sees Conker wandering through a desert in an attempt to completely loose the people looking for him, but instead he finds creatures that really don't want company, in a tremors/dune spoof, conker must stop these creatures in order to gain a glass of water from a small tribe. Throughtout the game you will go through many brand new environments, but will also, near the end, be forced to return to the original land to confront the problem and you will find out why the weasel busted conker out and more twists that you didn't see comming.

Pretty much the only weapon returning in this one is the frying pan, except for multiplayer where many of the originals will return. New weapons include ninja throwing stars, a concentrated lazer beam, similar to a lightsaber, and a modified hand pistol thats bullets explode on impact.

-Special/New Features-
This version will feature an all new cooperative mode, something rarely seen in adventure titles. The second player would take control of small helpers that conker encounters, similar to what Floyd was like in jet force gemini. Where the first player does most of the work, and the second helps them finish the job. The multiplayer will return full force, featuring all the games from the first with new levels and modes. Plus plenty of new extra multiplayer games that will keep you coming back.
Destruction Derby LX
This is the sequel to Destruction Derby 64, not a continuation of the destruction derby franchise, because this one follows the same control and feel that 64 version offered that the others didn't.

There really isn't a grand story to destruction derby. It is simply a contest to destroy or be destroyed and to leave only one car standing. This tournament is designed to see who can survive the longest and cause the most destruction, and in the end the winner will take home the gold.

-First Level-
The first level starts with a similar feel to a race level, but quickly becomes an all out brawl when the cars meet in the center. Six cars start on opposite ends of an airplane runway. When the lights turn green you have to race as fast as possible to the other cars. The ones that survive the initial hit, must continue to pursue the leftovers in a classic destruction derby smash fest. But you must be careful this is an active runway, inspired by a level in the first game, and planes can take off and land causing your car to crush instantly if you fail to avoid them.

The initial weapon in this game is obviously your vehicle, but this time around your vehicle gets some upgrades to help you crush your enemy faster. Upgrades like hydrolic shocks to make your car jump, and boosts to give you that extra push.

Being as how your car is the weapon, many new vehicles of destruction have been added to the mix. New vehicles like a limousine, a Hummer, and a fully electric car, which has its advantages and disadvantages of being electric.

-Special/New Features-
One of the new features is a new type of competition. Before there were destruction races and regular battles, but now there are gauntlets. You car must make it through a series of hazards. These hazards can range from something as small as an oil spill to something as big as a meteor shower. Your vehicle must make it through wave after wave of deadly hazards to the end, or at least be the last one standing. This feature applys heavily to single and multiplayer, because it requires you to finish it to progress in main game, but you can have fun with it against your friends as well.

Another new feature is the ghost car system. Normaly in the first game when your car was destroyed you had to watch your car burn while your friends finished destroying each other. Now you can take control of your flaming heap of metal and drive it around the level. It is called ghost mode because you cannot hit the players that are still in the match, it is just a new added bonus so the losers of a match dont have to be bored while waiting for you to finish. This is mainly for multiplayer being as how in main game when you die it basically ends right there.
Perfect Dark Zero
This is the much anticipated sequel to Perfect Dark, and a continuation of the best first person shooter series in existence.

The story begins when our main character, Joanna Dark, decides to invesigate a small cult that has been forming. This cult is only rumored to exist but Joanna must make sure. The cult is believed to be some of the only people on the planet that know of the incident with the Skedar. The group worships the fallen race like gods and posesses weapons used by the Skedar. Some of the members are former employees of Datadyne and the Carrington Institute, and so they have gotten a hold of the Skedar weapon technology. Joanna must make sure that they cannot understand the technology to the point where they can begin creating even stronger weapons.
Joanna was not sent by the Carrington Institute to investigate, so they don't know what to do when she turns up missing. The only person that knows where Joanna is, is Jonathan. He is the only one that Joanna told, and now that she hasn't returned its up to Jonathan to find her.

-First Level-
The first level you play as Jonathan. He has taken a plane out to Las Vegas where Joanna had gone. Your first level sets you in a casino. Jonathan attempted to see if he could find information surrounding the cult, but got to close and was exposed. And it turns out the casino is the cult HQ. So your mission is to find Joanna, in the lower parts of the Casino while fighting off fanatics of the cult that have weapons you have never seen before.

This game will feature the return of many of the perfect dark classics like the RCP-120, the super dragon and the Falcon 2. Some of the new weapons include an updated crossbow that fires saw blades rather than darts, the suspension gun which fires a long, indestructable cable that can be used to take enemy's weapons or pull an enemy off a cliff. This one would also see another upgrade in the classic golden gun. The one in here would be the design of a Falcon 2 with a silencer and a scope, and it is rapid fire, so clearing a room will be no sweat. Also in this game the cult has created new weapons using the Skedar technology so there will be plenty of new weapons to discover.

-Special/New Features-
The multiplayer system will get a massive upgrade making it so that you can play certain levels from a different characters point of view, with three friends. One character can be Joanna Dark, while another can play as a routine security guard, and another would be a secretary, and the last could be jonathan. It would make it so you could play certain levels from every perspective and since its against your friends, each winner will have a different cinema as to what happens at the end of the level.
Cooperative mode would also return, bringing with it an altered story. Playing through single player main game gives you one story, but playing through with a friend will give you some different outcomes, while still arriving at the same place in the end.
Also just to note, you do play as Joanna in this game. It is only the first level where you play as Jonathan.
The Untold Legend Of The Fierce Deity: Majora's Mask 2
Warning: May contain spoilers to The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask.

This is a prequel and a spin off to The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask. It goes into depth on the origin of the Fierce Deity Mask, and explains more history about the land of Termina.

Ages ago when the land of Termina was being created the four giants took it upon themselves to create two entities that would protect the land where they could not. These two god-like life forms were to serve and protect the people that would inhabit the land. The two beings were called Majora and Oni. However these entities were far from perfect. Because of the young land they became arrogant and began to compete for power between each other.

Neither of them were aloud to show themselves to the people of Termina, but the both of them quickly began to break the rules. Majora appeared to them as a thief and trickster, and many people learned to fear his deception. Oni appeared to them as an angry god and demanded offerings from them. He was soon labeled by the people "The Fierce Deity." The four giants grew angry with the both of them and ordered them to halt all contact with their people. Majora and Oni disobeyed the giants orders and soon broke out into an all out war against each other causing destruction to the land. The giants quickly took action and imprisoned the two of them in the earth far beneath Termina. But before the giants trapped them they stripped them of their powers lowering them to simple life forms. Both of them still possessed incredible magic abilities but they were no longer god-like entities.

-First Level-
The first level puts you directly into the middle of Oni and Majora's war. It is mainly a battle sequence. You are given amazing magic abilities that you aren't sure how to use yet, but that isn't the point of the level. This level is to just give you an idea of the controls and magic system by letting you fight Majora, while destroying parts of Termina. Once a certain amount has been destroyed or a certain amount of damage has been dealt, the giants will step in and end the first level by sealing you and Majora under Termina. Once the cinema is over you find yourself in the first dungeon. The catacombs under Termina. Majora has chosen to go one way and you set out on your own with no weapons.

This game depends more on a magic system of spells and enchantments rather than a weapon based system. It does include a standard weapons system as well, it is just not as large as the magic system. Weapons would include the beam sword that Oni Link possessed in Majora's Mask and special gauntlets that allow many different small magic attacks, such as a simple beam/missile and protection because he doesn't carry a shield. The magic attacks range from those as small as an arrow, with the gauntlets, to ones as big as lightning storms with special medallions and orbs. It would also see familiar spells from older Zelda games like the Ether medallion from a link to the past and Din's Fire from Ocarina of Time, to name a few. With new and more interesting spells like the Ghost Parasite Orb which releases several small green strips that home in on an enemy and eat it from the inside out.

The orbs and medallions do not require magic power to use. This game does not include the magic bar system. Your character holds extreme magic power so instead its measured like the carrots on epona or the blast mask from the previous Majora's Mask. You can use it once but you have to wait a long time before you can use it again, you must let your orb or medallion recharge. You can use it before its fully recharged but the attack does a significantly less amount of damage. So the strategy is to use what spell when, or what ones to use on what creature. Because some creatures may be more tolerant of a certain spell than another.

-Special/New Features-
This game isn't in the direct line of Zelda games, it is a spin off. So you don't ever get to play as link. The whole game revolves around your character Oni(The Fierce Deity). However the game will have many references to what will happen in Majora's Mask, references like Majora cursing that he will one day crash the moon into the land, and of a boy that will one day finally rid the land of evil. And of course in the end you will find out how and why Majora and Oni were trapped as masks forever.
The game will play very much like both N64 Zelda games and will follow their visual style. However new game play elements will be introduced as you progress. Things like as you become stronger and more like your former god-like self you gain abilities like flight, control over weaker creatures, and the ability to manipulate your surroundings.
Sonic Adventure 3
Warning: May contain spoilers to Sonic Adventure 2.

This is the next installment in the Sonic Adventure series, and would be the first game to feature 3D and 2D level designs. It would also be the first sonic game to have its story focus heavily, and solely on the chaos emeralds.

After the events of Sonic Adventure 2, Sonic made the decision to leave the seven chaos emeralds on the space colony Ark where they couldn't again fall into the wrong hands. The colony, with its weapon now destroyed, was the perfect place for the emeralds to be hidden being as how far it was from earth itself. After relocating the emeralds on the Ark because he felt Eggman couldn't be trusted, Sonic returned to his normal life in hopes that the emeralds powers would never again be used for evil.

Unfortunately Sonic's bliss was short lived. Approximately three months after Sonic left the Ark, the space colony was thrown out of orbit and crash landed on earth. Sonic raced to Alaska where the Ark crash landed, in hopes that the emeralds were not taken and that he might find what caused the giant colony to be thrown out of orbit. Upon arrival Sonic found that all seven emeralds were gone.

Once more information could be collected from the ruins they found that the power core of the Ark had been used just before it crashed. The surge of power had been so great they couldn't figure out what it had been used for. Sonic decided to find out by questioning Eggman who had been imprisoned for destroying half the moon three months earlier.

After some convincing and bargaining Eggman agreed to help them figure out what had caused the energy surge. They took him to the location of the downed Ark and showed him the core. Eggman informed them that the power surge had been great enough to rip the very fabric of time and that could very well have been what the culprit had planned to do. With the power of the core and the control of the chaos emeralds the thief could have traveled to any point in time. The only way that they could hope to catch the thief would be to reactivate the core. It would cause the same rip in time and take them to where the thief had gone. However they would have to work quick because the thief had the chaos emeralds and could travel to other points in time, the core of the Ark could only take them to the last place it had taken the thief.

The decision was made that sonic be the one to follow and retrieve the chaos emeralds but as he made this statement Eggman activated the core and jumped through the rip and back in time. Eggman had wanted to avoid returning to his prison cell and so now Sonic's mission involved catching Eggman as well, and so he stepped through the rip.

-First Level-
The first level is when Sonic is investigating the crash landed Ark in Alaska. He must reach the hiding place of the emeralds in order to see if they are still there. Since the Ark is demolished there is no set path and therefore plenty of room for high speeds and fast tricks.

New pickups will be available to help Sonic in his quest. With the return of favorites like the fire and electricity bubbles. We will see new editions like the acid and spike bubbles. Also being as how your body is your main weapon, this will feature super sonic like you have never seen him before. You will once again be able to take control of him during regular levels, once you have all the emeralds, and he will have new abilities like hover and walking on walls.

-Special/New Features-
The biggest new feature to this game is the combination of 2D and 3D levels. Levels like the first on the crashed Ark will resemble Sonic Adventure 2 levels, where it is full blown 3D. But as Sonic travels back in time certain levels will switch to a side view because Sonic has traveled back to the time of his first adventures. It will require skill in both 2D and 3D environments, for you to regain all seven chaos emeralds and discover who stole them. As you go on you will continue to follow the thief through the rips he leaves in time and thus the switching between 3D and 2D flows with how close you are to sonics earlier adventures.
Super Smash Bros. GameCube Edition
This game is the next installment of the Super Smash Brothers series. It is basically an update of Super Smash Bros. Melee except now it takes the versions of the nintendo characters from their gamecube outings and even adds some new ones.

The basic story to Super Smash Bros. Melee is that they are all trophies that come to life to "battle" each other. In this one instead of trophies it is GOD's or GameCube Optical Discs where the characters come from. The beginning cinema shows a copy of Super Smash Bros. Melee being placed into a GameCube but before it closes several other games start to rise up and fly into the gamecube. Games like The Legend Of Zelda: The Wind Waker, Mario Sunshine, and Metroid Prime to name a few. They all cram together into the gamecube creating the new version of Smash Brothers.

-First Level-
This game will also feature the adventure mode only now it is modeled after the characters latest adventure and is made longer for more replay value. The event mode will also return with scenarios modeled after situations in certain GameCube games. For example one event is modeled after Eternal Darkness where you have to last a certain amount of time but you have to keep killing the enemies or you will go "insane" and start loosing life. Or one based off of the wind waker where if you get hit by one of the many flying skulls you wont be able to hit your opponent for a short period of time.

Some of the new weapons featured will be the Grappling Hook from the Wind Waker. It will allow characters to steal items from other players and if they aren't holding weapons they will steal life. The enchanted Gladius from Eternal Darkness can be thrown from a distance and return to you. Fludd from Mario Sunshine can be used to push opponents backwards with a steady stream of water until they fall off, but it does run out of water. And last but not least, the puddle of Phazon from Metroid Prime. A high concentration of Phazon turns characters into hyper mode while they stand directly on it. It makes your character shoot a concentrated beam of Phazon at your opponent that lasts until the puddle is gone. The problem is that you can stay only in one spot and it runs out quickly but it is extremely powerful, dealing out 100% damage if used effectively.

-Special/New Features-
The trophie system will return except it will only feature characters/items from GameCube games, and the characters will be standing on GameCube Discs. The game will feature the same number of characters from Melee but some won't be returning for this edition. The characters that have stared in a GameCube title will be updated and those who haven't will be replaced by new GameCube stars. For example a character like Ice Climbers won't return but instead a character like Olimar from Pikmin will be featured. There will also be new forms of special melee and options to make a custom game. For example a new special melee is ice rink melee where the ground is made of ice and your characters can slide around easily. Or a new enemy melee where the smaller enemies from Adventure mode appear on the level and the object is to kill more of them than your opponent.
Dinosaur Planet
How could I do this when this game already exists in some form on the GameCube? Turn back soon to find out.
Wreckless: The Akuma Missions
This would be the sequel to Wreckless: The Yakuza Missions and follows the same characters into a new game.

Now that the Yakuza mafia has been hindered, it has opened up the floodgates for all other mafia's to fight for dominance. Both the Flying Dragons and the Hong Kong Spies are on the case to discover which one is rising the fastest. You quickly discover a new gang of drivers who go by the name of Akuma. They are a fierce group that drives an assortment of vehicles and has decided to win the mafia war by taking out the city all together. You must act fast to stop their plans, and make sure you don't get offed by the other six mafia groups that are all out to kill you.

-First Level-
The first level throws you right into the middle of a high speed chase through Hong Kong. You will have the choice of the Flying Dragons or the Hong Kong Spies like in the first one, but in addition to them you will have the option to play as Tiger Takagi, as the leader of the Yakuza trying to rebuild and win the mafia war. You objective will be to discover the location of the Akuma's hideout and take out as many mafia groups as you can along the way.

In this sequel you will get behind the wheel of completely new vehicles. Starting with a small but quick motorcycle that is equipped with machine guns. Each vehicle will have its own personal weapon, but like the first one, you won't actually be able to destroy your car, just beat the hell out of it. In this one damage will be much more visible. Your car will blow smoke, loose panels and paint, get flat tires, shoot sparks, and even set on fire. Other vehicles you will unlock include the bulldoser, the helecopter, the electric speeder, and a hover craft. It will also see some returning favorites like the super car, the tank, and the cement mixer.

-Special/New Features-
Aside from the Missiles in the gamecube version, this version will feature a individual weapons system. Like I said above each vehicle will feature its own personalized weapon such as machine guns, rockets, fork lift, and flame thrower. This version will also see rise to a full blow cooperative mode. Each person can take control of the two characters on one side (Ex. Ho and Chang) or go agains't each other in a battle to the finish (Dragons vs Spies). Also in this version, once you finish the game you will unlock special missions where you can play as one of the mafias in a battle for the city.

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This slot is currently empty. When you see the image of the Topical Brainstorm Logo that means that it is a filler because I haven't had a chance too, or just haven't come up with an image to fill it yet.