Custom Pictures
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This page contains backgrounds and edited pictures I made
Ok well I still cant get the whole thumbnail thing to work. So since I cant put the full size pictures of most of my backgrounds I have condensed them all to be small but not so small you cant see them. And if you want the full size version send me a message asking for it. And please its easier for me if you send me a message through IGN or ICQ because I get a lot of junk mail on my hotmail account and there is a chance I might not see one. So in a message include your email address and the name of the background, and I will send you the full size version, in much better quality, to you in jpeg format.

(All pictures on this page marked (BG) are backgrounds shrunken to be on this page)
(All pictures with the title "Image" and the Topical Brainstorm Logo are defalts because I haven't put a new picture in yet.)
(All pictures on this page marked (Box Art) are of GameCube box art, for games that may or may not exist.)
(All pictures on this page marked (Joke Box Art) are extremely fake, and I made just for a good laugh.)

Compilation of 8 main Zeldas (BG)

Evolution of Link (BG)

Evolution of Link 2 (BG)

History of Zelda (BG)

History of Zelda 2 (BG)

Jet Force Gemini Compilation (BG)

Knights of the Old Republic Compilation (BG)

Merry Christmas (BG)

Nintendo Difference (BG)

Nintendo Rules (BG)

Rareware's Best (BG)

Soul Calibur 2 (BG)

Super Smash Bros. Melee (BG)

Wave Race: Blue Storm (BG)

Zelda Overworlds (BG)

Waterfall (Tiled BG)

Zelda Items (Tiled BG)

Mock up SSBM character select screen I made (look away if you dont want to know the secret characters) [P.s. I made this before the official picture was released.]

GameCube Amp (Winamp Skin)

ZeldAmp (Winamp Skin)

These are some of the Micro pictures I have made. The marking S means I made it from scratch, pixel by pixel. And SE means it was originally a different image, but I severely edited it.

The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time Master Quest (Box Art)

Sonic Adventure DX: Director's Cut (Box Art)

Sonic Heroes (Box Art)

Sonic Mega Collection (Box Art)

Star Fox Adventures: Dinosaur Planet (Box Art)

Star Fox Armada (Box Art)

Gauntlet: Dark Tricky (Joke Box Art)

The Legend of Conker: A Link to the Poo (Joke Box Art)

Luigi's Tax Audit (Joke Box Art)
