Topical Brainstorm
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Welcome To Topical Brainstorm
This site really has nothing to do with storms, brains, or anything topical. But it does provide a strange but tasty mix of creativity for your viewing and reading pleasure. Enjoy.
Latest Updates

-10/12/03 Added Eragon and Viewtiful Joe to Favorites.
-10/18/03 Moved updates to update history page and fixed line spacing problem. Also overhauled the information about me on the information page.
-10/19/03 What? An Xbox game made it into Wishful Thinking? You've got to be kidding. TWO!? Two Xbox games made it into Wishful Thinking? Sweet mother of pearl. Added Wreckless and Dinosaur Planet preview to Wishful Thinking.
-11/08/03 Added to favorites.
-11/13/03 Added Oni Link 2003 to Icons 2 page.
-11/17/03 Added The Hobbit and Hunter The Reckoning to favorites.
-12/05/03 Added to favorite movies, songs, and video games. Also added happy holidays logo.
-12/13/03 Changed bounty hunter to time splitters in favorites and fixed Oni Link image.
-12/17/03 Added The Sword of Shannara to favorites.
-01/08/04 Happy new year! Added to favorites and took down holiday logo. Also added BG&E poster to Custom Pictures 2 page.
-01//09/04 Edited update history page; certain things had to be... removed. Also added Link slash PS2 to Icons 2 page.
-02/01/04 Added GTA and Metroid to favorites and edited favorites.
-03/02/04 Added Metroid Fusion, A Game of Thrones, and School of Rock to favorites.
-03/13/04 Fixed spelling error and added brute force to favorites.
-04/01/04 It has happened, my book has been published. I am going to be rich and I don't need this web site anymore... What, to obvious? I guess all my April fools jokes are. I suppose I just enjoy saying I suceeded (only a matter of time now) Muhahahahah... Oh right, I added a bunch of things to favorites.
-04/17/04 Added time machine and hellboy to favorites. Possible return of short story page in the future (mums the word).
-05/04/04 Added Elfstones of Shannara to Favorites.

Site Enhancements
What you will see on this site ranges from random edited pictures to short stories to made up video games.

On a little note, many of the pictures I use I edited, and some pictures may have come from other web sites. I don't know all the web sites I took them from but I am by no means trying to take someone elses credit. If on the off chance that anyone sees something of theirs that they want me to remove, send me a message or email, and I will gladly fix the problem.
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Where you can find me
Not literally, What do you think I am going to tell you where I live? What I mean is contacts, which are as follows:

On IGN: Dr--Evil
On ICQ: Dr Evil, #11938710

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